Ghost Stories

Hello, fellow Rockawayites.

A friend of mine forwarded this sight, so I tried submitting my own true ghost story. They apparently are going to print it this month or next. Scroll down to find your state.

Ann-Marie Connors

I grew up in Far Rockaway, NY. Rockaway was originally named Reckowacky by Indian tribes. When I was a young girl, my sister Patty, who was sleeping on the bunk above, was crying in the middle of the night. She said she saw someone standing by the bed. She couldn't sleep and was so upset no matter how my other sister and I tried to comfort her. She talked about it for days.

Some 8 years later or so, I was reading a book about apparitions on Long Island. It was full of stories about Native American sightings. I suddenly remembered my sister's experience and how insistent she was. On a hunch, I wrote her a letter and innocently asked her if she remembered the time she saw a lady standing by her bed. At the time I didn't mention the book I was reading, nor did I tell her why I was asking. When I received her reply, I dropped the letter, I was so stunned. She wrote, "I'll never forget the time I saw the lady standing by my bed...she had long, black braids, and she was smiling."I believe she saw someone.


Ann-Marie Connors   Email Address:

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