Henry A. Miller Scholarship Fund Established

A Scholarship Fund has been established in the name of the Henry A. Miller, Memorial Fund, Inc., c/o Bernard Warnock, 151 Beach 124th Street, Rockaway Park, New York  11694.

Henry A. Miller was a Far Rockaway High School Graduate, and a Fire-fighter who was murdered at the World Trade Center.

The scholarship fund gave one student $1,000 this past year (June 2002).  It is an established not for profit corporation, and just applied for its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

I noticed that you made an announcement about the Rappaport scholarship fund, and thought maybe you could announce this one also.  If you have any questions concerning this scholarship, please contact Lois Rosenblatt.

Lois Rosenblatt, Class of 1974     Email Address:   Wtmlmr@aol.com

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