Thanks To Roger Koerner, Class of 1963

The guy in the photo sure looks like Neil Licht, Class of 1963
I recognize Ellen Shandalow on the left and I think Lois Dunner on the right.

Hi Skip,  I think I can identify three people in Roger Koerner's pictures.  The  picture of the girls lined up with pocketbooks over their shoulders was probably taken at a Chat meeting.  I'm the tall one on the left. I can't remember the other names.  In the picture preceding it, I recognize Ellen Shandalow on the left and I think Lois Dunner on the right. Thank you to Janet Wiener Moss who e-mailed me and suggested that I check the site.  I just love this web site!

Vicki Wiener Kahn

In the photo of 4 girls with pocketbooks, the third from the left is Arlene Sobel.  In the photo of the four chat members, I believe Karen Neuringer and Arlene Sobel are standing next to Vicki Cahn.

Alan Steinberg

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