Listed below are classmates we've lost touch with, either after the 1997 reunion or due to an e-mail change. Please let me know any information about those you find, especially e-mail, or someone who might act as an e-mail contact for that person, and if you have it, address and phone number.

Please send information to me at:


Allan, Alice (Colquhoun) 
Bell, Natalie (Gray)
Berger, Melvin
Berlin, Arnold 
Brownridge, Bill 
Edelman, Howard 
Friend, Lois (Mayer) 
Goldberg, Sylvia (Shapiro) 
Groden, Ivan 
Hillman, Ruth (Silver)
Hirschfield, David
Iger, Florence (Miller) 
Kahn, Julius 
Karol, Irving 
Leader, Maurice "Murray" 
Lesser, Burt 
Miller, Albert 
Minett, Harry P. 
Musiker, Bernice (Edelman)
Pollins, Harry
Posner, Charlotte (Hirschfield)
Racich, Anna (Carney) 
Sacks, Sally (Spellman)
Seifer, Anita (Bruckenstein)