Listed below are classmates we've lost touch with, either after the 1997 reunion or due to an e-mail change. Please let me know any information about those you find, especially e-mail, or someone who might act as an e-mail contact for that person, and if you have it, address and phone number.

Please send information to me at:


Becker, Richard 
Berger, Marcia
Berman, Phyllis (Jencius)
Boxer, Phyllis 
Budney, Howard
Cacia, Harold 
Cohen, Abby 
Coleman, Barbara (Middleton)
Crawley, Joyce (Dirosa)
Davis, Elliot
DeBaun, Carol (Grassi) 
Drucker, Eric
Eitleberg, Robert 
Ginsburg, Deena (Arkin)
Goldbaum, Sharon (Zant) 
Goldstein, Elinor "Lee" (Holcomb)
Herman, Maxine (Manara) 
Lapides, Sheri (Levine) 
Levine, Gary 
Lewis, Fred 
Moss, Margie
Pach, Michelle (Wilhelm) 
Rice, Rick 
Roiter, Neil
Rose, Michael 
Sarapin, Marvin 
Singer, Dean 
Singer, Marcia (Berger) 
Sperling, Phyllis (Jacobs)
Trager, Rochelle (Grossman)
Tutt, Coleman 
Weinstock, Helen (Fischer) 
Weintraub, Arnold 
Weiss, Robert 
Wexler, Robert J.