Hi Skip,
recently had a visit from my old friends from Far Rockaway, Barbara (Halpern)
Goldman '63 and her husband Mark Goldman '63. I remembered that she
had sent me the attached photo from PS 39 (my sixth grade class- Miss
Haehnle) I'm in the front row set of desks as you're looking at photo-
on the left. The only other ones I remember are Shelli Pack (second row,
right, ) Holly Dick (2nd row 2nd from blackboard) and some of the boys:
Bruce Brandwen, Alan Mindell, Gus Elia, Stanley Kalish....well, forgive me
for the memory lapse, but it HAS been 51 years!! Keep up the good work
with the website.
Rhoda (Feinberg) Nevins '62 Email Address:
Click on the photo to view it in its larger format.
If you have any photos to share, send them to rockaway@astound.net
Shelli Pack (second row,
right, ) Holly Dick (2nd row 2nd from blackboard) and some of the boys: